european car hire sydney

sam: after 39 hours of travelling we are finally in ibiza. the weather is perfect and we’re going to have some fun! sam: oh look who’s here… with the same car! yes! woohoo! dan: have you guys fixed some things to do for us? alberto: definitely. you will have an amazing time here in ibiza. promise. dan: the guys from mochileros tv took us to a water wipe out assault course

in san antonio dan: we heard about this secret cliff diving place and i think we're gonna go and check it out sam: we’re going to go say bye to our friends before they leave. we’re heading out as well. it’s been a good trip. alberto: we hope you really enjoyed the day with us. and have a good trip you two to your next destination.

european car hire sydney

european car hire sydney,sam: thank you so much. bye! alberto: by the way!

*in bocca al lupo, ci vidiamo presto* sam: haha, ciao!

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